Monday, February 25, 2013

Spring Preparations Re-visiting my 1st Hugelkultur

 So went to survey the land I started a garden in and walked away from. Last year we broke ground, built a hugelkultur mound and I threw tons of seed at it. I became too busy to go back a whole lot after that. I heard that it did ok that they got some good food out of it. 
 Today was beautiful and sunny met up with Leo and we mapped out the new spots and instructed him to sheet mulch with the new compost he just got. We also got some manure looks very rough so its getting heaped up and tarped.  Planning a spring barley grass (?) crop to get mulch from for summer heat.  Re packaging seeds for seed swap coming up, and so I can give some to Leo for successive planting of lettuces and carrots. Sorting by month to sow .. then indoor start v/s direct sow. 
 Tons to do before we can plant and lots of hard cold rain to come...must not forget. I am not touching the protective patina of leaves till much later on..unless it is to mulch! 

This is my giant hugelkultur 
last spring, me mixing the seeds for broadcast

I'll be back with current pictures next week

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